Appendix B: Storyteller Reference
This section may be printed or copied to create a separate quick reference for Storytellers.
Skill Ranges and Dice
Skill Level | 1-4 | 5-10 | 11-15 | 16-18 | 19-20 | 21+ |
Skill Tier | Novice | Journeyman | Expert | Master | Grandmaster | Legendary |
Skill Dice | 2d6 | 2d8 | 2d10 | 2d12 | 3d10 | Storyteller |
Skill Difficulty Table
Novice 2d6 | Easy | Normal | Difficult |
Pass | 6 | 8 | 10 |
Detail | 8 | 10 | 12 |
More Detail | 10 | 12 | 14 |
(Skill bonuses will range from +1 to +4) |
Journeyman 2d8 | Easy | Normal | Difficult |
Pass | 13 | 15 | 19 |
Detail | 15 | 17 | 21 |
More Detail | 17 | 19 | 23 |
(Skill bonuses will range from +5 to +10) |
Expert 2d10 | Easy | Normal | Difficult |
Pass | 19 | 23 | 25 |
Detail | 21 | 25 | 29 |
More Detail | 25 | 29 | 31 |
(Skill bonuses will range from +11 to +15) |
Master 2d12 | Easy | Normal | Difficult |
Pass | 22 | 26 | 30 |
Detail | 24 | 30 | 34 |
More Detail | 30 | 34 | 36 |
(Skill bonuses will range from +16 to +18) |
Grandmaster 3d10 | Easy | Normal | Difficult |
Pass | 25 | 31 | 34 |
Detail | 28 | 34 | 40 |
More Detail | 34 | 40 | 43 |
(Skill bonuses will range from +16 to +18) |
Critical Hit!
If the attack succeeds by double (12 to attack versus 6 to defend), the attacker may roll the damage dice associated with the next whole skill tier of their weapon skill (Novice becomes Journeyman, etc.) to determine the damage dealt.
Critical Failure
A critical failure is declared when the player rolls dice and is presented with the lowest number on both (or all) dice. What a critical failure means is often situational and determined by the Storyteller, however can include dropping a weapon, breaking the string of a bow, dropping a potion and breaking it or even changing the result of a skill such as Blacksmith being used to create something.
Skill Name | Counter Skill | CA | Skill Name | Counter Skill | CA | |
Stealth | Perception | Int | Grapple | Brawn | Str | |
Obfuscation | Intuition | Vir | Rope | Brawn | Str | |
Diplomacy | Prudence | Int | Oppression | Steadfast | Vir | |
Intimidation | Fortitude | Vig | Constructor | Steadfast | Vir |
Check or Save | Skill Name | CA | Check or Save | Skill Name | CA | |
Strength | Brawn | Str | Intelligence | Prudence | Int | |
Reflex | Reflex | Agi | Dexterity | Reflex | Agi | |
Fortitude | Fortitude | Vig | Poison | Fortitude | Vig | |
Will | Steadfast | Vir | Disease | Fortitude | Vig |
Skill Level | Armor, Light | Armor, Medium | Armor, Heavy |
1-4 | 1d4 | 1d6 | 1d8 |
5-10 | 2d4 | 2d6 | 2d8 |
11-15 | 3d4 | 3d6 | 3d8 |
16-18 | 4d4 | 4d6 | 4d8 |
Skill Level | Armor, Light | Armor, Medium | Armor, Heavy |
1-4 | Stamina -5 | Stamina -7 | Stamina -10 |
5-10 | Stamina -3 | Stamina -5 | Stamina -7 |
11-15 | None | Stamina -3 | Stamina -5 |
16-18 | None | None | None |
Skill Level | Shield, Light | Shield, Heavy | Shield, Tower |
1-4 | 1d4 | 1d6 | 1d8 |
5-10 | 2d4 | 2d6 | 2d8 |
11-15 | 3d4 | 3d6 | 3d8 |
16-18 | 4d4 | 4d6 | 4d8 |
Skill Level | Shield, Light | Shield, Heavy | Shield, Tower |
1-4 | Stamina -5 | Stamina -10 | Stamina -20 |
5-10 | Stamina -3 | Stamina -7 | Stamina -15 |
11-15 | None | Stamina -5 | Stamina -10 |
16-18 | None | None | Stamina -5 |
Shield Defense
Those who bear the weight of a shield in combat have little choice but to learn how to use it skillfully and may therefore elect to add some or all of the skill points they have spent in their shield skill as a bonus to the associated dice roll. Every point spent removes an equal amount from the character’s stamina pool.
The decision to sacrifice some stamina for a greater defense may be made after the initial defense and shield rolls have been added together, but not after the damage roll by the opposition. This ability is unique to characters who carry a shield and may only be applied when that shield is equipped and in good working order.
Advancing Skills
Skill Level | 1-4 | 5-10 | 11-15 | 16-18 | 19-20 | 21+ |
Skill Tier | Novice | Journeyman | Expert | Master | Grandmaster | Legendary |
Skill Dice | 2d6 | 2d8 | 2d10 | 2d12 | 3d10 | Storyteller |
Cost Per Level | 1 each | 2 each | 3 each | 4 each | 5 each | Storyteller |
Skill Level | Cost Per | Total Cost | Skill Tier | Skill Level | Cost Per | Total Cost | Skill Tier | |
1 | 1 | 1 | Novice | 13 | 3 | 25 | Expert | |
2 | 1 | 2 | Novice | 14 | 3 | 28 | Expert | |
3 | 1 | 3 | Novice | 15 | 3 | 31 | Expert | |
4 | 1 | 4 | Novice | 16 | 4 | 35 | Master | |
5 | 2 | 6 | Journeyman | 17 | 4 | 39 | Master | |
6 | 2 | 8 | Journeyman | 18 | 4 | 43 | Master | |
7 | 2 | 10 | Journeyman | 19 | 5 | 48 | Grandmaster | |
8 | 2 | 12 | Journeyman | 20 | 5 | 53 | Grandmaster | |
9 | 2 | 14 | Journeyman | 21 | 6 | 59 | Legendary | |
10 | 2 | 16 | Journeyman | 22 | 6 | 65 | Legendary | |
11 | 3 | 19 | Expert | 23 | 6 | 71 | Legendary | |
12 | 3 | 22 | Expert | 24 | 6 | 77 | Legendary |
Character Creation: Modifiers and Traits
Race | Modifiers and Traits |
Dwarves | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Vigor +1, Darkvision, +1 Appraise |
Elves – Del’Lali | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Strength +2, Vigor +2 |
Elves – Til’Anis | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Agility +2, Virtue +2, Darkvision |
Elves – La’Norrtal | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Intelligence +1, Virtue +3 |
Elves – Nildark | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Agility +2, +2 Animal Companion |
Elves – Esari | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Agility +2, Vigor +2 |
Gnomes | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Intelligence +2, Bonus Skill Points: 2 |
Half-Elves | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, +2 to any one attribute, Bonus Skill Points: 2 |
Half-Orc | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Darkvision, Racial Ability: Fury |
Halflings | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Agility +2, +1 Appraise, +1 Intuition |
Humans | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, +1 to any two attributes, Bonus Skill Points: 2 |
Kitsune | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Intelligence +2, Darkvision |
Orcs | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Strength +4, Intelligence -2, Darkvision |
Alarians | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Virtue +1, Racial Abilities: Reinvigorate, Charming |
Alatari – Dia | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Intelligence +2, Virtue +2 |
Alatari – Nox | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Agility +2, +1 Stealth, +1 Perception |
Fen | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, +1 to any two attributes, Bonus Skill Points: 2 |
Kultharr – Tukor | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Vigor +2, Infravision |
Kultharr – Ekalion | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Virtue +2, Infravision |
Nephilar – Sheoling | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Vigor +2, Darkvision |
Nephilar – Maloki | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Virtue +2, Intelligence +2 |
Volarthi – Cans | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Vigor +2, Darkvision |
Volarthi – Cer | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Agility +2, +1 Perception, Bonus Skill Points: 1 |
Volarthi – Fel | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Agility +2, Strength -2, Darkvision, Bonus Skill Points: 2 |
Volarthi – Lago | Medium, Base 8, Movement 40, Intelligence +2, Virtue +2 |
Volarthi – Ro | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Agility +2, Strength -2, Darkvision, +2 Stealth |
Volarthi – Ursa | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Strength +4, Agility -2, +2 Combat Defense |
Volarthi – Vul | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Int +2, Virtue -2, Darkvision, +1 Obfuscation, +1 Intuition |
Volarthi – Bo | Medium, Base 8, Movement 30, Vigor +2, +1 Climbing, +1 Intimidation |
–4 penalty to Combat Defense rolls and all checks and activities that rely on vision automatically fail. |
A cowering character takes a -2 penalty to their Combat Defense bonus. |
A dazed creature can take no actions, but has no penalty to Defense. Dazed typically lasts one round. |
–1 penalty on attack rolls, Combat Defense rolls, and Perception checks. |
–4 penalty to Perception rolls and all checks and activities that rely on hearing automatically fail. |
An entangled creature takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and a -4 penalty to Agility. |
No longer able participate in combat and is unable to move save for a withdraw action. An exhausted character takes a -4 penalty to defense rolls until such time as they leave combat. |
A frightened creature flees from the source of its fear as best it can. If unable to flee, it may fight. A frightened creature may use special abilities to flee. It takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls, Combat Defense rolls, skill checks, and saves until calmed. |
Grappling and Grappled:
A character engaged in grappling maneuvers may undertake only a limited number of actions. They do not threaten any squares, and may not add their Shield or Parry skill level to defense against opponents they are not grappling. |
A helpless character is paralyzed, held, bound, sleeping, unconscious, or otherwise completely at an opponent’s mercy. A helpless target is treated as having an Agility score of zero and any linked skills are treated as untrained. Helpless characters automatically fail their Combat Defense roll, however may retain mitigation from equipped armor (if any). Melee attacks against a helpless target get a +4 bonus (equivalent to attacking a prone target). As a full-round action, an enemy can use a melee weapon to deliver a coup de grace to a helpless foe. An enemy can also use a ranged weapon, provided he is adjacent to the target. |
Gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls against opponents and ignores target Combat Defense bonus. |
A character who gains the Oppressed condition will keep their previously assessed negative modifier for all skills related to Virtue, and will recuperate Faith at half rate until such time as the character fully regains their Faith pool. |
A panicked creature must drop anything it holds and flee at top speed from the source of its fear, as well as any other dangers it encounters, along a random path. It cannot take any other actions. In addition, the creature takes a –2 penalty on all Combat Defense rolls, saving throws and skill checks. If cornered, a panicked creature cowers and does not attack. They may use special abilities to flee. |
An attacker who is prone has a –4 penalty on melee attack rolls and cannot use ranged weapons other than a crossbow or throwing dagger. A defender who is prone gains a +4 bonus to Combat Defense against ranged attacks, but takes a –4 penalty to Combat Defense against melee attacks. |
Shaken characters take a –2 penalty on attack rolls, Combat Defense rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. |
Sickened characters take a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, Combat Defense rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. |
A stunned creature drops everything held, cannot take actions, takes a –2 penalty to Combat Defense, and loses their skill level bonus to Combat Defense (if any). |
Suppressed characters fall prone (unless behind cover) and cannot take actions for one round. |