Collateral and Splash Damage
In Untitled the primary sources of collateral or splash damage are Faith-based constructor abilities and potions or flasks that are designed to burst upon impact, slinging their contents into the air and onto those nearby. A general example of each might be a fireball from a constructor or a phial of alchemist’s fire from an alchemist’s pouch.

Multiple Targets
Because the abilities of a constructor consume Faith, and manipulate the environment around them, the created construct does not have any physical properties except to those originally targeted. If the constructor only identifies a single target, they are the only ones affected.

If an attack contains multiple targets the damage is divided equally amongst the targets and each target will get to roll armor if they are so equipped. Round down if necessary, to a minimum of one damage per target. The same is true when beneficial effects, such as healing, are applied to multiple targets at once.

Note that flourishes for both constructors and melee characters may affect multiple characters differently than outlined above. Flourishes are Combat Tactics and subject to Storyteller review and approval.

Splash Damage
Splash damage refers to damage caused by a substance capable of diffusing from its initial target for a certain radius, potentially hitting multiple targets. Examples of such might be alchemist potions, explosive cocktails, bottled acid, fireballs and the more conventional splintering items or falling rock.

Referring to the threat radius from before, splash damage is capable of hitting targets surrounding a central point in a circular pattern. A percentage chance to hit additional targets is assigned to each square with the assumption that momentum makes additional targets behind the original easier to hit. This mechanic may be altered at the storyteller’s discretion based on materials in use.

Example: Player utilizes their skill in Thrown Weapons as part of a normal attack roll. Players who are untrained may attempt to use a thrown weapon using the standard rules regarding unskilled rolls.

Provided the player successfully hits, a percentage dice will be rolled alongside the damage dice to determine the field of effect. The damage dice in use should be determined by the components of the object being thrown and mutually agreed upon before combat begins or assigned by the storyteller during combat for improvised splash weapons.