Character Qualities in Combat
Aside from skill checks and saving throws, Character Qualities are utilized in some combat maneuvers.
The character moves in an attempt to trip their foe.
The attacker will roll the dice associated with their skill level in the skill they are using to attempt the Trip maneuver, which is normally a weapon skill. If no weapon is being used, the storyteller may direct you to roll another skill instead.
The intended target will roll the dice associated with their skill level in Reflex, a Character Quality. The Trip attempt is successful if the attacker has a higher result, with a tie going to the defender. If successful, the target gains the Prone condition.
The character moves in an attempt to grab hold and restrain their foe.
The attacker will roll the dice associated with their skill level in the skill they are using to attempt the Grapple maneuver, which is normally their skill level in Brawn.
The intended target will roll the dice associated with their skill level in Brawn, to see if they possess the strength to fend off the attempted grab. The Grapple is successful if the attacker has a higher result, with a tie going to the defender. If successful both the attacker and the target gain the Grappling condition.
The target may attempt to break free each turn they remain Grappled, unless they are rendered Unconscious or Helpless before their next turn. If the target attempts to break free, both the target and attacker will roll the dice associated with their Brawn skill against one another.
A target may be disarmed with a successful Brawn check, if the target has the Grappling condition. No check is required for Unconscious or Helpless targets.
Render Unconscious
A target may be rendered unconscious by reducing their health to below zero with lethal or non-lethal damage. Non-lethal damage can be applied using careful control of most weapons at the discretion of the Storyteller. Non-lethal damage cannot cause the target to die.