Combat is intended to be simple but extensible in Untitled; meaning that the basic mechanic is simple to understand and get up and running quickly yet can be expanded by using armor, flourishes, special attacks and other modifiers to enhance gameplay.
In Untitled combat is turn-based with the turn order being determined by the Storyteller at the start of combat. In most cases the Storyteller will determine this order by considering the placement and readiness of the player characters and NPCs in the scene, however may ask for a die roll to help randomize the order or resolve a tie. There is no specific initiative bonus or roll to determine order.
When combat starts, the first round begins. When everyone has completed their turn, this will complete a round and start the next. The Storyteller will keep track of the turn order and remind players when it is appropriate for them to take their turn.
This turn order is often fairly static, however can be modified when a player chooses to ‘hold their action’; meaning that they wish to see a specific action play-out before taking their turn. This may be useful in certain situations; however the player must define the circumstances for their turn to resume when they declare their hold. An example might be, “I want to hold my action until the giant goes again, so I can see what it does.” The Storyteller will update the order in which turns are conducted and the player will conduct their turn at their new position from that point forward.
Each round is intended to represent six (6) seconds of time in the game world. As the player, you control your character using a number of actions when it is your turn. The types of actions are as follows:
• A move action – your character may move up-to its maximum speed rating per move action.
• A standard action – an action such as attacking, or using an ability.
• A full-round action – an action that requires concentration such as reloading a complex weapon and consumes all of the effort you may expend in a round.
• A swift action – an action that requires very little time and can often be combined with others.
• An immediate action – an action that occurs immediately.
• A free action – an action that does not otherwise impact your ability to declare or utilize others.
Unless a condition exists which would prevent you from doing-so, you may declare up-to two movement actions and a standard action during a normal round of combat. Swift and immediate actions are often combined with and thus declared at the opening or closing of your standard action.
For instance, you might have your character move up to the enemy and strike. As they are moving up, you declare a swift action in that your character coats their blade with a specially prepared poison. You are able to do this quickly because the poison was applied to a piece of cloth earlier or because the dagger itself may be made in such a way that allows poison to be released from a hidden chamber.
You can combine some practical actions together, such as drawing a sword (which would normally be a move action by itself) while moving into position. Even though two move actions were accomplished, they were done together and may not count as two separate actions. Not all move actions work this way, so your Storyteller will advise you should there be an issue with something you propose.
An example of this may be that as an archer, you have your character move into position while drawing their bow from off their back. When they reach position, they utilize their standard action to load, draw, aim and fire at their target and their second move action to reload for the next round.
The dice required will vary based on the skill level the characters in-play have in their weapon, armor and combat skills such as combat forms, defensive, parry and shield. A general dice set for Untitled will consist of at-least two of each of the following dice types: d10, d8, d6, d4 and a separate percentage dice.
Skill Level | 1-4 | 5-10 | 11-15 | 16-18 | 19-20 | 21+ |
Skill Tier | Novice | Journeyman | Expert | Master | Grandmaster | Legendary |
Skill Dice | 2d6 | 2d8 | 2d10 | 2d12 | 3d10 | Storyteller |
The ‘To Hit’ dice and modifier in an attack is determined by the skill level the character holds in their Weapon or Weapon Family skill and follows the Untitled skill level progression ladder. A player whose character is currently a Novice in a Weapon or Weapon Family skill will roll 2d6 for their attack roll, adding the skill level value as a modifier.
The defender will attempt to defend themselves by rolling the dice associated with their skill level in Combat Defense plus the skill level as a modifier. A tie will go to the defender.
If the defender has a shield, in addition to the above they may also roll the dice associated with their skill level in their chosen shield and add the result to their defense roll.
Upon a successful hit, the dice associated with the Combat Form the attacker is using may be rolled and their skill level in that form added to the result to determine damage. A player whose character is a Novice in the Combat Form they used will roll 2d6 and add their skill level in that form as a modifier.
If the defender is wearing armor, they will roll the dice set associated with their skill level in that armor as the amount of incoming damage their armor is capable of mitigating.
If the defender is a Novice in Light Armor, as an example, they would roll 1d4 to attempt to mitigate some of the incoming damage. The remainder of incoming damage is deducted from their Health pool.