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Advancing Attribute Scores
In Untitled, every character’s physical and mental potential is defined by their core attribute scores. Every major component of the game is a skill and each skill is tied back to a particular controlling attribute score or a combination of attributes. Every character has the potential to be unique, as each set of attributes will determine how far a particular character can advance in a given skill.

Some will excel at strength and endurance, some in agility and some in intelligence and even virtue; it is rare indeed to find someone who is capable of excelling in every aspect at the same time.

The commonly misquoted, “Jack of all trades, master of none” might suit a true generalist just fine, but the original quote, “Jack of all trades, master of one” accurately describes many. There aren’t really any masters of everything out there and everyone has an area in which they are weak, even if we hide it well.

To that end and with that explanation, Untitled does recognize that through physical exercise and training or intellectual application, research and academic study, one may enhance their core attributes, and thus abilities, by a certain amount. As a prerequisite however, your character must have at-least one skill that is currently at maximum before you may increase an attribute through training or research.

Note that attribute scores may also be increased by equipping certain items your character may find while adventuring. These items, when worn or used, increase the attribute or attributes defined.

You may add ‘Training’ and advance up-to three skill points in physical training, which in-turn will increase your character’s Strength or Agility attribute by up-to three points. Increasing your Strength attribute allows you to advance associated skills and adds to your Health pool. Increasing your Agility through training allows you to advance associated skills and adds to your Stamina pool.

Training, Strength STR
Training, Agility AGI

The cost of Training is based on the current value of the character’s attribute and tied back to the skill tier progression system. As an example: If a player is looking to increase their character’s Strength and the value of that attribute is 17, the cost to purchase the first skill level in ‘Training, Strength’ would be four; as the current attribute value qualifies as a Master skill.

You may add ‘Research’ and advance up-to three skill points in studious research, which in-turn will increase your character’s Intelligence attribute by up-to three points. Increasing your Intelligence attribute through research and study not only allows you to advance associated skills, but also increases your Faith pool.

Research, INT

The cost of Research is based on the current value of the character’s Intelligence attribute and tied back to the skill tier progression system. As an example: If the character’s Intelligence attribute has a current value of 12, the cost to purchase the first skill level in Research would be three; as the current attribute value qualifies as an Expert skill.