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Movement in Untitled is defined in square tiles on a standard gaming mat, each representing approximately five square feet. The standard base movement speed of the average human in good health is thirty (30) feet per move action. The base movement speed of a given race will be listed in the race section and should be recorded on your character sheet for ease of reference.

A move action is defined as a single movement of up-to the maximum distance your character may move and a normal round consists of up-to two move actions. This equates to being able to move up-to sixty (60) feet in six (6) seconds; pretty fair in general.

        5 5 5          
      10 5 X 5 10 15 20 25 30
    15   5 5 5     25    
30 25               30    

In the above illustration, the X represents your characters position while the cost of movement is displayed in the numbers. Moving in a straight line block to block is five units of movement per tile, however moving diagonally (beyond the first) costs twice as much. You may combine directions, so long as the total amount of movement does not exceed your character’s ability.

Other types of move actions exist, such as a ‘five foot step’. Used at the opening of a round, a player may opt to take a step backwards or to the side. This is considered a free action and does not detract from the movement or other actions your character can perform for that round. Unless otherwise stated, a five foot step will not trigger an attack of opportunity.

Certain things can affect your cost to move, like difficult terrain; a slippery slope covered in mud or a bog. Your Storyteller will give you cues to indicate you might be going into an area which could impact your movement, so be sure to pay attention.

Flanking and Maneuvering
Flanking is the act of moving to attack a target from behind when it is already engaged from the front. In most situations this will grant both attackers a plus two (+2) to hit bonus (Weapon Skill) and a plus two (+2) bonus to damage (Combat Form) upon a successful hit. In order to be flanking and gain the bonus, the attackers must be in a direct line with one another and the target.

Withdrawing from Combat
A player may choose to have their character withdraw from combat by declaring a withdrawal action. In doing-so their character turns and runs up-to twice their movement speed in any direction away from combat. The character is not subject to attacks of opportunity while performing a withdrawal action, but may be chased and attacked. Withdrawing is a full-round action, and requires the ability to move freely, therefore may not be performed while blinded, dazed, stunned, or unconscious.